Monday, June 13, 2011

military schoolhad locker 345, somehow lost it for 235
trouble in the shower, guy sprays water in my face then tickles me, i turn my faucet at his face... when i get out... andrew?kid attacks me small fight till an axe gets brought out.. in n attic now, nother kid heads for the lights and turns em out..
i anticipate and avoid the girl with the axe sneaking up, putting my axe at her throat...
win the fight without killing anyone, take my gear and head out to the woods,
2 peeps in a rowboat, girls 7 and 16 with a cake
i melt into the water and swim, dog follows me into the water and brabs my arm hair,,, i pull out the hairs and dog swims off
two girls land on the island, i swim up and ask one of them to do a duet... the litle one her dad paddles up and hands her a ....they sing, i ask dad for permission to marry his daughter when she turns 16, he's cool with that... but he says "i have one that's a.lready 16,,,"

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