Wednesday, July 13, 2011

went to this property expecting boobytraps, me n a crew... we got to this one door in an attic where i got evereyone to give me knives... oppened the door, fake plastic rat aand a couple large plasticspidersi threw butterknives at them... badly
got to this one interesting blade... i held it between thumb and forefinger
and caused it to spin.. then threw it, missed anyhow,.. but i won in the end
went into the room, there was a generator, i put someone in charge of getting it back to my place. there was some coins, loonies, and the other guy got what he wanted, i grabbed a large flashlight too.

store of some sort. peeps are trying to recruit my friend.. i get woken up and pull on my shirt... only its a terrorist sleeve, covers the body and the face, long sleeved, pull it off and poof your just another person
so i grabbed a plunger and went and discussed trying to recruit my friend with the desk ady.. she decided she had better things to do..
we got out of there, i was supposed to go meet a girlbut then these jerks arrested me
i was like twice as heavy sluggish... then woke up

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